Highly experienced and qualified homeopath & naturopath Andrea Holbrook can provide homeopathic and naturopathic consultations, dietary advice and health coaching online - direct to your home, hotel or workplace - using Zoom or Skype. Remote consultations are...
Services / Health & Fitness Services / Hypnotherapy Services
Does this sound familiar? You struggle to fall asleep - so-called type 1 insomnia You keep waking in the night - type 2 insomnia You lie awake at night overthinking You wake up early and can't get back to sleep You wake up...
Services / Health & Fitness Services / Hypnotherapy Services
Is this you: Have you tried physical therapies, exercises, pain killers, relaxation exercises - unsuccessfully? Have you been told "it's all in your mind"? Is the pain affecting the way you live your life? Is the pain causing anxiety, poor...
Services / Health & Fitness Services / Hypnotherapy Services
Established since 2004, professional fully-accredited practitioners h2 Hypnotherapy offer you your initial (no obligation) hypnotherapy consultation FREE of charge, using Zoom or Skype (or phone if you prefer). You are free to discuss ANY ISSUE...