bursting with energy this silly tame bundle of fun eats food from your hand really steady wee bird feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it's lori formula don't know the sex can be done at buyer request only...
Silly tame and a pure bundle of joy Baby swainson lorikeet 5 months old hes a right wee ball of energy a wee bundle of fun love to play likes to shake hands plays ball with ya feathers in tip top shape stunning colours he's fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily...
Stunnin baby Lutino red eyed ringnecks boy and girl feathers are in tip top condition £395 EACH unrelated closed rung immaculate birds from Belgium bloodlines pure bred lutinos the birds are stunning good homes only no time wasters thanks cage not...
bursting with energy this silly tame bundle of fun eats food from your hand really steady wee bird feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it's lori formula don't know the sex can be done at buyer request only...
Silly tame and a pure bundle of joy Baby swainson lorikeet 5 months old hes a right wee ball of energy a wee bundle of fun love to play likes to shake hands plays ball with ya feathers in tip top shape stunning colours he's fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily...
Stunnin baby Lutino red eyed ringnecks boy and girl feathers are in tip top condition £395 EACH unrelated closed rung immaculate birds from Belgium bloodlines pure bred lutinos the birds are stunning good homes only no time wasters thanks cage not...
Silly tame and a pure bundle of joy Baby swainson lorikeet 5 months old hes a right wee ball of energy a wee bundle of fun love to play likes to shake hands plays ball with ya feathers in tip top shape stunning colours he's fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily...
bursting with energy this silly tame bundle of fun eats food from your hand really steady wee bird feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it's lori formula don't know the sex can be done at buyer request only...
Stunnin baby Lutino red eyed ringnecks boy and girl feathers are in tip top condition £395 EACH unrelated closed rung immaculate birds from Belgium bloodlines pure bred lutinos the birds are stunning good homes only no time wasters thanks cage not...
This is a cracking wee baby conure feathers are in prime tip top condition bird is fed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and vegetables daily I have only only 2 left of theses wee crackers price 180ono
Stunnin baby Lutino red eyed ringnecks boy and girl feathers are in tip top condition £395 EACH
unrelated closed rung immaculate birds from Belgium bloodlines pure bred lutinos good homes only no time wasters thanks cage not included
Silly tame Baby swainson lorikeet 5 months old hes a right wee ball of energy a wee bundle of fun love to play likes to shake hands plays ball with ya feathers in tip top shape stunning colours he's fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and...
bursting with energy this semi tame bundle of fun eats food from your hand really steady wee bird feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it's lori formula don't know the sex can be done at buyer request only good home...
This is a cracking wee baby conure feathers are in prime tip top condition birds are fed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and vegetables daily I have only only 1left of theses wee crackers price 180
bursting with energy this semi tame bundle of fun eats food from your hand really steady wee bird feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it's lori formula don't know the sex can be done at buyer request only...
Silly tame Baby swainson lorikeet 5 months old hes a right wee ball of energy a wee bundle of fun love to play likes to shake hands plays ball with ya feathers in tip top shape stunning colours he's fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and...
Stunnin baby Lutino red eyed ringnecks boy and girl feathers are in tip top condition £395 EACH unrelated closed rung immaculate birds from Belgium bloodlines pure bred lutinos good homes only no time wasters thanks cage not...
He's a beautiful stunning wee clear tail white head this wee man is top quality his feathers are in tip top condition fed on the best seed and fresh fruit and vegetables daily also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this little...
Stunnin baby Lutino red eyed ringnecks boy and girl feathers are in tip top condition £395 EACH
unrelated closed rung immaculate birds from Belgium bloodlines pure bred lutinos good homes only no time wasters thanks cage not included
Semi tame Baby swainson lorikeet 5 months old hes a right wee ball of energy feathers in tip top shape stunning colours he's fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted no time wasters thanks for...
bursting with energy this semi tame bundle of fun eats food from your hand really steady wee bird feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it's lori formula don't know the sex can be done at buyer request only...
bursting with energy eats food from your hand really steady wee bird feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it's lori formula don't know the sex can be done at buyer request only good home wanted no time...
Stunnin baby Lutino red eyed ringnecks boy and girl feathers are in tip top condition £395 each
unrelated closed rung immaculate birds from Belgium bloodlines pure bred lutinos good homes only no time wasters thanks cage not included
Baby swainson lorikeet 5 months old feathers in tip top shape stunning colours he's fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted no time wasters thanks for looking cage not included
He's a beautiful stunning wee clear tail white head this wee man is top quality his feathers are in tip top condition fed on the best seed and fresh fruit and vegetables daily also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this little boy no...
Stunnin baby Lutino red eyed ringnecks boy and girl feathers are in tip top condition £395 each
unrelated closed rung immaculate birds from Belgium bloodlines pure bred lutinos good homes only no time wasters thanks cage not included
Baby swainson lorikeet 5 months old feathers in tip top shape stunning colours he's fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted no time wasters thanks for looking cage not included
bursting with energy eats food from your hand really steady wee bird feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it's lori formula don't know the sex can be done at buyer request only good home wanted no time...
Stunnin baby Lutino ringnecks boy and girl feathers are in tip top condition
unrelated closed rung immaculate birds from Belgium bloodlines pure bred lutinos good homes only no time wasters thanks cage not included
bursting with energy eats food from your hand really steady wee bird feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it's lori formula don't know the sex can be done at buyer request only good home wanted no time...
Baby swainson lorikeet 5 months old feathers in tip top shape stunning colours he's fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted no time wasters thanks for looking cage not included
Baby swainson lorikeet 5 months old feathers in tip top shape stunning colours he's fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted no time wasters thanks for looking cage not included
bursting with energy eats food from your hand really steady wee bird feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it's lori formula don't know the sex can be done at buyer request only good home wanted no time wasters...
Stunnin baby Lutino ringnecks boy and girl feathers are in tip top condition
unrelated closed rung immaculate birds from Belgium bloodlines pure bred lutinos good homes only no time wasters thanks cage not included
Stunning semi tame baby black cap lori 5 months feather are in tip top shape colours are stunning fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this little girl this wee girl is a bundle of fun she...
Stunnin baby Lutino ringnecks boy girl feathers are in tip top condition
unrelated closed rung immaculate birds from Belgium bloodlines pure bred lutinos good homes only no time wasters thanks cage not included
Stunning semi tame baby black cap lori 5 months feather are in tip top shape colours are stunning fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this little girl this wee girl is a bundle of fun...
Stunnin baby Lutino ringnecks boy girl feathers are in tip top condition
unrelated closed rung immaculate birds from Belgium bloodlines pure bred lutinos good homes only no time wasters thanks cage not included
Baby swainson lorikeet 5 months old feathers in tip top shape stunning colours he's fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted no time wasters thanks for looking cage not included
bursting with energy eats food from your hand really steady wee bird feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it's lori formula don't know the sex can be done at buyer request only good home wanted no time...
Baby swainson lorikeet 5 months old feathers in tip top shape stunning colours he's fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted no time wasters thanks for looking cage not included
bursting with energy eats food from your hand really steady wee bird feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it's lori formula don't know the sex can be done at buyer request only good home wanted no time wasters...
Stunning semi tame baby black cap lori 5 months feather are in tip top shape colours are stunning fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this little girl this wee girl is a bundle of fun she...
Stunnin baby Lutino ringnecks boy girl feathers are in tip top condition
unrelated closed rung immaculate birds from Belgium bloodlines pure bred lutinos good homes only no time wasters thanks cage not included
Baby swainson lorikeet 5 months old feathers in tip top shape stunning colours he's fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted no time wasters thanks for looking cage not included
bursting with energy eats food from your hand really steady wee bird feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it's lori formula don't know the sex can be done at buyer request only good home wanted no time...
Stunning baby black cap lori 5 months feather are in tip top shape colours are stunning fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this little girl this wee girl is a bumfle ofvfun she laighs and...
feathers are in prime tip top condition birds are fed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and vegetables daily I have only only 1left of theses wee crackers price 180 Cinnamon dilute Split dilute sold Dilute cock sold Turquoise split dilute Cinnamon yellow side No...
feathers are in prime tip top condition birds are fed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and vegetables daily I have only 3 left of theses wee crackers price 150 Cinnamon dilute Split dilute sold Dilute cock sold Turquoise split dilute Cinnamon yellow side No...
Baby swainson lorikeet 5 months old feathers in tip top shape stunning colours he's fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted no time wasters thanks for looking cage not included
bursting with energy eats food from your hand really steady wee bird feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it's lori formula don't know the sex can be done at buyer request only good home wanted no time...
Stunning baby black cap lori 5 months feather are in tip top shape colours are stunning fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this little girl this wee girl is a bumfle ofvfun she laighs...
bursting with energy eats food from your hand really steady wee bird feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it's lori formula don't know the sex can be done at buyer request only good home wanted no time...
Baby swainson lorikeet 5 months old feathers in tip top shape stunning colours he's fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted no time wasters thanks for looking cage not included
Stunning baby black cap lori 5 months feather are in tip top shape colours are stunning fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this little girl no time wasters no swaps cage not included...
feathers are in prime tip top condition birds are fed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and vegetables daily I have only 3 left of theses wee crackers price 150 Cinnamon dilute Split dilute sold Dilute cock sold Turquoise split dilute Cinnamon yellow side No...
Stunning baby black cap lori 5 months feather are in tip top shape colours are stunning fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this little girl this wee girl is a bumfle ofvfun she laighs...
bursting with energy eats food from your hand really steady wee bird feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it's lori formula don't know the sex can be done at buyer request only good home wanted no time...
Baby swainson lorikeet 5 months old feathers in tip top shape stunning colours he's fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted no time wasters thanks for looking cage not included
Here I have a stunning variety of baby conures feathers are in prime tip top condition birds are fed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and vegetables daily I have 4 left of theses wee crackers price 150 Cinnamon dilute Split dilute sold Dilute cock sold Turquoise split...
Stunning baby black cap lori 5 months feather are in tip top shape colours are stunning fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this little girl no time wasters no swaps cage not included
Here I have a stunning variety of baby conures feathers are in prime tip top condition birds are fed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and vegetables daily I have 4 left of theses wee crackers price 150 Cinnamon dilute Split dilute sold Dilute cock sold Turquoise split...
Stunning baby black cap lori 5 months feather are in tip top shape colours are stunning fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this little girl no time wasters no swaps cage not included
Baby swainson lorikeet 5 months old feathers in tip top shape stunning colours he's fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted no time wasters thanks for looking cage not included
Beautiful wee 6 month rainbow lorikeet lively bursting with energy eats food from your hand really steady wee bird feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it's lori formula don't know the sex can be done at...
Beautiful wee 6 month rainbow lorikeet lively bursting with energy eats food from your hand really steady wee bird feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it's lori formula don't know the sex can be done at...
Baby swainson lorikeet 5 months old feathers in tip top shape stunning colours he's fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted no time wasters thanks for looking cage not included
Stunning baby black cap lori 5 months feather are in tip top shape colours are stunning fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this little girl no time wasters no swaps cage not included
Here I have a stunning variety of baby conures feathers are in prime tip top condition birds are fed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and vegetables daily I have 4 left of theses wee crackers price 150 Cinnamon dilute Split dilute sold Dilute cock sold Turquoise...
Here I have a stunning variety of baby conures feathers are in prime tip top condition birds are fed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and vegetables daily I have 4 left of theses wee crackers price 150 Cinnamon dilute Split dilute sold Dilute cock sold Turquoise...
Baby swainson lorikeet 5 months old feathers in tip top shape stunning colours he's fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted no time wasters thanks for looking cage not included
Stunning baby black cap lori 5 months feather are in tip top shape colours are stunning fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this little girl no time wasters no swaps cage not included
Beautiful wee 6 month rainbow lorikeet lively bursting with energy eats food from your hand really steady wee bird feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it's lori formula don't know the sex can be done at buyer...
Baby swainson lorikeet 5 months old feathers in tip top shape stunning colours he's fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted no time wasters thanks for looking cage not included
Here I have a stunning variety of baby conures feathers are in prime tip top condition birds are fed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and vegetables daily I have 4 left of theses wee crackers price 150 Cinnamon dilute Split dilute sold Dilute cock sold...
Beautiful wee 6 month rainbow lorikeet lively bursting with energy eats food from your hand really steady wee bird feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it's lori formula don't know the sex can be done at...
Stunning baby black cap lori 5 months feather are in tip top shape colours are stunning fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this little girl no time wasters no swaps cage not...
Beautiful wee 6 month rainbow lorikeet lively bursting with energy eats food from your hand really steady wee bird feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it's lori formula don't know the sex can be done at...
Stunning baby black cap lori 5 months feather are in tip top shape colours are stunning fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this little girl no time wasters no swaps cage not included
Here I have a stunning variety of baby conures feathers are in prime tip top condition birds are fed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and vegetables daily I have 4 left of theses wee crackers price 150 Cinnamon dilute Split dilute sold Dilute cock sold Turquoise...
Baby swainson lorikeet 5 months old feathers in tip top shape stunning colours he's fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted no time wasters thanks for looking cage not included
Stunning baby black cap lori 5 months feather are in tip top shape fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this little girl no time wasters no swaps cage not included
Baby swainson lorikeet 5 months old feathers in tip top shape he's fed on lori formula and fresh fruit daily also gets avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted no time wasters thanks for looking cage not included
Beautiful wee 6 month rainbow lorikeet lively bursting with energy eats food from your hand really steady wee bird feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it's lori formula don't know the sex can be done at buyer...
Here I have a stunning variety of baby conures feathers are in prime tip top condition birds are fed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and vegetables daily I have 4 left of theses wee crackers price 150 Cinnamon dilute Split dilute sold Dilute cock sold...
Stunning high red baby conure this wee conure is just quality and colours are amazing feathers in tip top condition fed on health diet of seed and fresh fruit and vegetables daily avi gold and calcivet every other day in there water only good home wanted for this wee...
Beautiful wee 6 month rainbow lorikeet lively bursting with energy eats food from your hand really steady wee bird feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it's food don't know the sex can be done at buyer...
Stunning wee baby 6 month old violet conure dna card with her feathers are in tip top shape ...she is just beautiful feed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg daily she also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this little cracker cage...
Stunning wee baby 6 month old violet conure dna card with her feathers are in tip top shape ...she is just beautiful feed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg daily she also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this little...
Stunning high red baby conure this wee conure is just quality and colours are amazing feathers in tip top condition fed on health diet of seed and fresh fruit and vegetables daily avi gold and calcivet every other day in there water only good home wanted for this wee better...
Beautiful wee 6 month rainbow lorikeet lively bursting with energy eats food from your hand really steady wee bird feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it's food don't know the sex can be done at buyer...
Stunning wee baby 6 month old violet conure dna card with her feathers are in tip top shape ...she is just beautiful feed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg daily she also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this little...
Stunning high red baby conure this wee conure is just quality and colours are amazing feathers in tip top condition fed on health diet of seed and fresh fruit and vegetables daily avi gold and calcivet every other day in there water only good home wanted for this wee better...
Stunning high red baby conure this wee conure is just quality and colours are amazing feathers in tip top condition fed on health diet of seed and fresh fruit and vegetables daily avi gold and calcivet every other day in there water only good home wanted for this wee better no...
Beautiful wee 6 month rainbow lorikeet lively bursting with energy eats food from your hand really steady wee bird feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it's food don't know the sex can be done at buyer request only...
Stunning wee baby 6 month old violet conure dna card with her feathers are in tip top shape ...she is just beautiful feed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg daily she also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this little...
Stunning wee baby 6 month old violet conure dna card with her feathers are in tip top shape ...she is just beautiful feed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg daily she also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this little...
Beautiful wee 6 month rainbow lorikeet lively bursting with energy eats food from your hand really steady wee bird feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it's food don't know the sex can be done at buyer...
Stunning high red baby conure this wee conure is just quality and colours are amazing feathers in tip top condition fed on health diet of seed and fresh fruit and vegetables daily avi gold and calcivet every other day in there water only good home wanted for this wee...
This is a beautiful wee 2 year old mint conure really steady dna card comes with her she is stunning and very lively feathers are in tip top shape she's on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted...
This is a beautiful wee 2 year old mint conure really steady dna card comes with her she is stunning and very lively feathers are in tip top shape she's on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted...
Beautiful wee 6 month rainbow lorikeet lively bursting with energy eats food from your hand really steady wee bird feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it's food don't know the sex can be done at buyer request only...
Beautiful wee 6 month rainbow lorikeet lively bursting with energy feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it'd food don't know the sec can be done at buyer request only good home wanted no time wasters £395.00
This is a beautiful wee 2 year old mint conure dna card comes with her she is stunning and very lively feathers are in tip top shape she's on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this wee girl .... Cage not...
Stunning wee baby 6 month old violet conure dna card with her feathers are in tip top shape ...she is just beautiful feed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg daily she also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this little cracker cage...
This is a beautiful wee 2 year old mint conure dna card comes with her she is stunning and very lively feathers are in tip top shape she's on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this wee girl...
Beautiful wee 6 month rainbow lorikeet lively bursting with energy feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it'd food don't know the sec can be done at buyer request only good home wanted no time wasters £395.00
This is a beautiful wee 2 year old mint conure dna card comes with her she is stunning and very lively feathers are in tip top shape she's on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this wee girl ...
Stunning wee baby 6 month old violet conure dna card with her feathers are in tip top shape ...she is just beautiful feed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg daily she also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this little cracker cage...
Here I have a stunning variety of baby conures feathers are in prime tip top condition birds are fed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and vegetables daily I have 8 left of theses wee crackers price 130 each exepet high red that's 150 Cinnamon dilute High red...
Stunning wee baby 6 month old violet conure dna card with her feathers are in tip top shape ...she is just beautiful feed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg daily she also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this little cracker cage...
Beautiful 2 year old mint male conure dna card comes with him feathers are in tip top shape very lively conure fed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg daily also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for him.....cage not included
Here I have a stunning variety of baby conures feathers are in prime tip top condition birds are fed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and vegetables daily I have 8 left of theses wee crackers price 130 each exepet high red that's 150 Cinnamon dilute High red...
This is a beautiful wee 2 year old mint conure dna card comes with her she is stunning and very lively feathers are in tip top shape she's on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this wee girl ...
This is a beautiful wee 2 year old mint conure dna card comes with her she is stunning and very lively feathers are in tip top shape she's on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this wee girl ...
Beautiful wee 6 month rainbow lorikeet lively bursting with energy feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it'd food don't know the sec can be done at buyer request only good home wanted no time wasters...
Here I have a stunning variety of baby conures feathers are in prime tip top condition birds are fed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and vegetables daily I have 8 left of theses wee crackers price 130 each exepet high red that's 150 Cinnamon dilute High red...
Beautiful 2 year old mint male conure dna card comes with him feathers are in tip top shape very lively conure fed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg daily also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for him.....cage not included...
This is a beautiful wee 2 year old mint conure dna card comes with her she is stunning and very lively feathers are in tip top shape she's on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this wee girl...
Stunning wee baby 6 month old violet conure dna card with her feathers are in tip top shape ...she is just beautiful feed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg daily she also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this little cracker cage not...
This is a beautiful wee 2 year old mint conure dna card comes with her she is stunning and very lively feathers are in tip top shape she's on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this wee girl ...
Beautiful 2 year old mint male conure dna card comes with him feathers are in tip top shape very lively conure fed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg daily also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for him.....cage not included
Stunning wee baby 6 month old violet conure dna card with her feathers are in tip top shape ...she is just beautiful feed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg daily she also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this little cracker cage...
This is a beautiful wee 2 year old mint conure dna card comes with her she is stunning and very lively feathers are in tip top shape she's on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this wee girl ...
Here I have a stunning variety of baby conures feathers are in prime tip top condition birds are fed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and vegetables daily I have 8 left of theses wee crackers price 130 each exepet high red that's 150 Cinnamon dilute High red...
Beautiful wee 6 month rainbow lorikeet lively bursting with energy feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it'd food don't know the sec can be done at buyer request only good home wanted no time wasters £395.00
Beautiful wee 6 month rainbow lorikeet lively bursting with energy feathers tip top and this wee yins colours are stunning fed on a healthy fruit and veg daily plus it'd food don't k ow the sea can be done at buyer request only good home wanted no time wasters...
This is a beautiful wee 2 year old mint conure dna card comes with her she is stunning and very lively feathers are in tip top shape she's on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this wee...
This is a beautiful wee 2 year old mint conure dna card comes with her she is stunning and very lively feathers are in tip top shape she's on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this...
Beautiful 2 year old mint male conure dna card comes with him feathers are in tip top shape very lively conure fed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg daily also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for him.....cage not included
Stunning wee baby 6 month old violet conure dna card with her feathers are in tip top shape ...she is just beautiful feed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg daily she also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this little cracker...
This is a beautiful wee 2 year old mint conure dna card comes with her she is stunning and very lively feathers are in tip top shape she's on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this...
Beautiful 2 year old mint male conure dna card comes with him feathers are in tip top shape very lively conure fed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg daily also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for him.....cage not included
Stunning wee baby 6 month old violet conure dna card with her feathers are in tip top shape ...she is just beautiful feed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg daily she also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this little...
This is a beautiful wee 2 year old mint conure dna card comes with her she is stunning and very lively feathers are in tip top shape she's on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and veg also get avi gold and calcivet every other day only good home wanted for this wee girl ...
This is a cracking wee baby conure feathers are in prime tip top condition bird is fed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and vegetables daily I have only only 2 left of theses wee crackers price 180
This is a cracking wee baby conure feathers are in prime tip top condition bird is fed on a healthy diet of seed and fresh fruit and vegetables daily I have only only 2 left of theses wee crackers price 180ono