2x jack Russel cross pups for sale ready for their forever home from 20th August. 1x boy is the brown and 1x girl is the black. Both been chipped, flead and wormed. They are playful, cuddly, they have their own little characters. They are used to other dogs and cats.
This is the last kitten from a litter. He is a gorgeous black and white kitten 16 weeks old waiting for his forever home. He is loving playful loves his cuddles especially at night, hes used to kids, other cats and dogs. He's been flead and wormed and is litter...
I have 3 gorgeous kittens ready to go to their forever homes. I have 2 girls and 1 boy available. They are cuddly throughout the day and love to snuggle up on a night. They are playful and all have their own little characters. They are litter trained...